5.3 Viewing electronic program guide 41
Pressing the
GUIDE button dis-
plays the electronic program
guide, on which you can see the
• Scheduled programs
• Program summary
• Broadcasting date
• Broadcasting time
To seedetailedinformation ofadesired program, putthehigh-
light bar on your choice with the
P+ or
P− button and press
button. To switch to other service, press the
V− or
To see the program guide for radio broadcasts, press the
button. To turn it back, press the button again.
F1 button displaystheprogramguide intheform
of spreadsheet. To turn it back, press the
F1 button again.
You can make a timer event on the electronic program guide
as follows:
1. Select a service you want.
2. Press the
GUIDE button to display its program guide.
3. Select aprogramyou wantwith the
OK button, thenP is
marked up on the entry. At the same time, a timer event
with the selected program will be made in the timer list.
Refer the timer list to § 5.5.
4. Toremove themarking, press the
OK button once again.