310 Printing Guide — Printing from UNIX
General Options
The following options apply to all print files.
— Print Language
The “net_est4511” or “net_estbw” program needs to know what printer language is used in each
of the files that it is printing so that it can issue the correct commands to select various options.
The following options are valid for the print languages.
All PCL5e jobs automatically send the “<esc>&k2G” command to convert the line-feed charac-
ter into a carriage-return – line-feed sequence. If the PCL5e job contains some of its own escape
sequences it may override this setting.
The default print language is “auto”.
Example: The command to specify that a file is PostScript is “lp –o ps filename”.
— Color Mode
The color mode can be specified using the following option.
If this option is not specified, the default color mode will be used (color).
Example: The command to specify color mode is “lp –o color filename”.
— Stapling
The staple position can be specified using the following option.
Option Value Alternate
auto Each file to be printed is examined to see if it starts with the
“%!” sequence. If it does, then it is assumed that it is a Post-
Script file, otherwise it assumes that it is a plain text or a PCL5c
or PCL6 file.
pcl The print file is always treated as a plain text or a PCL5c or
PCL6 file.
postscript ps The file is always treated as a PostScript file.
raw The file is treated as a fully formatted file that already contains
all the necessary commands. The file is sent to the printer with-
out any modifications. In this mode no other options are valid
and a banner page is not printed.
Option Value Alternate
color Print the document in the color mode.
grayscale Print the document in the grayscale mode.
For e-STUDIO450 Series and e-STUDIO280 Series:
The “Color Mode” option is not available for e-STUDIO450 Series and e-STUDIO280 Series.
Option Value Alternate
staple=0 Stapling is turned off.
staple=1 Staple in the top left corner of a portrait page and the upper right
corner of a landscape page.