356 Printing Guide — Printer Driver Errors
Cannot Remember Document Password
Problem Description
There is no way to obtain the Document Identification Number (DIN) for a Private Print job
after it has been sent. A private print job remains in the queue until the correct Document Pass-
word is entered.
Corrective Action
The end user must delete the job from the Touch Panel Display or through TopAccessDocMon
and resubmit the Private Print job using a new DIN. Encourage the user to write down the DIN
so they can enter it to retrieve their jobs from the Touch Panel Display.
Retrieval of Printer Configuration Failed
Problem Description
When accessing the printer properties, the system displayed “Retrieval of printer configuration
Corrective Action
If the printer driver cannot communicate with this equipment — Verify that the system is run-
ning. If not, turn it on. Connect to this equipment via TopAccess. If you cannot connect, reboot
this equipment. If that fails, check the printer driver port assignment to make sure it is correct.
Cannot Print a Job Using SMB
Problem Description
When printing a document using a SMB connection, the job cannot be printed because an error
such as “No more connections can be made to this remote computer” and “Your file could not be
printed due to an error” are continuously displayed.
Corrective Action
It assumes using SMB printing in a small network. If you can use the Windows NT 4.0, Win-
dows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows Server 2003 as a print server, it is recommended to set up
for printing via Windows print server. For further information about setting up printing via a
Windows print server, see the Network Administrator’s Guide.
If you cannot use a Windows print server in your network, use Peer-to-Peer printing for Win-
dows 98/Me, and LPR printing for Windows NT 4.0/2000/XP/Server 2003.
Cannot Print a Job as Expected Using PS Printer Driver
Problem Description
When “Use PostScript Passthrough” in the PostScript Settings dialog box is enabled, the equip-
ment cannot print a document correctly because an application may output the PostScript code
that the equipment cannot read.
Corrective Action
Disable “Use PostScript Passthrough” in the PostScript Settings dialog box and print a docu-