Sending a Fax 31
Specifying the recipient
You can specify the recipient fax number. There are various ways to specify it, such as Direct entry with digital keys and
Address book entry.
To use the address book, you need to register recipients’ fax numbers to the book in advance. For details of the
operation, refer to the MFP Management Guide or TopAccess Guide.
Direct entry with digital keys
Direct entry is the method for specifying the recipient's fax number using the digital keys.
Key in the recipient's fax number using the digital keys on the control panel.
Confirm the fax number displayed on the fax screen.
y To delete each entered value, press [BACK SPACE].
y To delete all the entered values at once, press the [CLEAR] button on the control panel.
y In the memory transmission mode, you can send the same document to multiple recipients (up to 400
recipients) at once. Press [MULTI], and then enter the recipient's fax number. Repeat this operation until you
specify all the recipients. You can also specify up to a total of 400 recipients' fax numbers by combining with
other entry methods.
y To confirm all the selected recipients or delete unnecessary recipients, press [DESTINATION].
P.37 “Confirming the recipients”