48 Checking Communications
The list of the communication status is displayed.
y Transmissions or receptions are listed in the reversed chronological order from top to bottom.
y Press or to switch the pages.
y Up to the latest 40 or 120 transmission/reception records can be listed on the log. The maximum number can
be set on the ADMN menu. For details of the operation, refer to the MFP Management Guide.
y To print the log of transmissions or receptions, press [JOURNAL].
P.84 “Journal (transmission journal/reception journal)”
y In the “Status” column, the status is indicated with the following:
Registering recipients’ fax numbers to the address book
To register recipient's fax numbers in the address book from the send/receive log screen, select a record in the
send or receive log, and then press [ENTRY]. For details of the registration to the address book, refer to the MFP
Management Guide.
y Fax and E-mail transmissions whose recipients are specified with direct entry or entry using the LDAP
server can be registered to the address book from the Send log.
y Polling and E-mail receptions whose recipients are specified with direct entry or entry using the LDAP
server can be registered to the address book from the Receive log.
OK: Transmission or reception succeeded.
4-digit error code: Transmission or reception failed.
P.112 “Error codes”