
enable secret
The enable secret command is used to set a secret password, which is using
an MD5 encryption algorithm, for users to access Privileged EXEC Mode from
User EXEC Mode. To return to the default configuration, please use no enable
secret command. This command uses the MD5 encryption.
enable secret { [ 0 ] password | 5 encrypted-password }
no enable secret
0 —— Specify the encryption type. 0 indicates that an unencrypted password
will follow. By default, the encryption type is 0.
password —— Super password, a string from 1 to 31 alphanumeric characters
or symbols. The password is case sensitive, allows digits, English letters (case
sensitive), underlines and sixteen special characters ( !$%'()*,-./[]{|} ). By default,
it is empty. The password in the configuration file will be displayed in the MD5
encrypted form.
5 —— Indicates an MD5 encrypted password with fixed length will follow.
encrypted-password —— An MD5 encrypted password with fixed length, which
you can copy from another switch’s configuration file. After the encrypted
password is configured, you should use the corresponding unencrypted
password if you re-enter this mode.
Command Mode
Global Configuration Mode
User Guidelines
If both the enable password and enable secret are defined, you must enter the
password set in enable secret.
Set the secret password as “admin” and unencrypted to access Privileged
E XEC Mode from User E XEC Mode. The password will be displayed in the
encrypted form.
T1500-28PCT(config)#enable secret 0 admin