remotely monitor the settings and operation status of other devices through the
log host.
logging host index idx host-ip level
no logging host index idx
idx —— The index of the log host. The switch supports 4 log hosts at most.
host-ip —— The IP for the log host.
level —— The severity level of the log information sent to each log host. There
are 8 severity levels marked with values 0-7. The smaller value has the higher
priority. Only the log with the same or smaller severity level value will be sent to
the corresponding log host. By default, it is 6 indicating that the log information
marked with 0~6 will be sent to the log host.
Command Mode
Global Configuration Mode
Enable log host 2 and set its IP address as, the level 5:
T1500-28PCT(config)# logging host index 2 5
clear logging
The cle ar logging command is used to clear the information in the log buffer
and log file.
clear logging [ buffer | flash ]
buffer | flash —The output channels: buffer and flash. Clear the information of
the two channels, by default.
Command Mode
Global Configuration Mode