TD-W8968 300Mbps Wireless N USB ADSL2+ Modem Router User Guide
Figure 3-10
¾ ADSL Modem Router Mode: In this mode, the device enables multi-users to share Internet
via ADSL using its ADSL port and share it wirelessly at 300Mbps wireless 802.11n speeds.
¾ 3G Router Mode: In this mode, the device allows multi-users to share a 3G mobile broadband
connection via wired or wireless connection.
¾ Wireless Router Mode: In this mode, the device enables multi-users to share Internet via
Ethernet WAN (EWAN) using its interchangeable LAN/WAN port and share it wirelessly at
300Mbps wireless 802.11n speeds.
z ADSL Modem Router Mode
1) Select your Country and ISP from the drop-down list, then click Next. (If your country or
ISP is not listed, please select Other. Enter VPI/VCI values and select Connection type
provided by your ISP, then click Next.)
Figure 3-11
Select Other for your country or ISP, you can manually enter the VPI/VCI values and select
Connection type.
2) Here we use PPPoE as an example. Enter the Username, Password and Confirm
Password given by your ISP, and then click Next.