TD-W8968 300Mbps Wireless N USB ADSL2+ Modem Router User Guide
Figure 4-86
2. Create a unique description for the schedule (e.g. Schedule_1) in Description field.
3. Select the day or days you need in Apply To field.
4. In time field, you can select all day-24 hours or you may enter the Start Time and Stop Time
in the corresponding field.
5. Click Save to save the settings.
Click the Clear Schedule button to clear your settings in the table.
Click the Delete Selected button to delete selected entries.
4.16 IPv6 Tunnel
IPv6 tunnel is a kind of transition mechanism to enable IPv6-only hosts to reach IPv4 services and
to allow isolated IPv6 hosts and networks to reach each-other over IPv4-only infrastructure before
IPv6 completely supplants IPv4. It is a temporary solution for networks that do not support native
dual-stack, where both IPv6 and IPv4 run independently.
Choose menu “IPv6 Tunnel”, and you will see the screen as shown in Figure 4-87.