PTC Model III, Rotary Selector Installation Instructions and User Manual, Rev 8/03 - Page 9
RUN Mode LED Flash Pattern Summary:
( G ) Normal power on, controller ready.
G-G- ,... Normal bridge move in progress.
R-Y- ,... Index mode: normal bridge index movement
in progress. Note: When "single stepping" at
the end of the indexing movement, the
indicator will alternate between ( R ) and
( Y ) as you take each step.
( Y ) Applicable to Pushbutton Track Selection
configurations only: Controller has
acknowledged that one of the track select
pushbuttons has been pressed. Push the
Run/Stop button to confirm selection;
controller will proceed with bridge move.
Wait until ( Y ) goes back to ( G ) to cancel
track selection.
Y-Y- ... Power-on self test: The controller is set to
"RUN", but it is not programmed. Turn off
controller, set Run/Learn switch to learn.
Turn on power and program track locations.
( R ) Controller in PAUSE mode during bridge
move. Push Run/Stop button to resume
bridge movement.
R-R- ,... Power-on self test: Controller needs to be
reindexed. Hold down Run/Stop button
while turning on power to go to INDEX
R-R-Y- ,... Power-on self test: The rotary Track Selector
switch is in the wrong position (changed
while power was off). Note current bridge
position and turn rotary switch to proper
location. Controller will recognize correction
at end of flash cycle.
R-R-Y-Y- ,... Power-on self test: The Head/Tail switch is
in the wrong position (changed while power
was off). Flip switch to other position.
Controller will recognize correction at end of
flash cycle.
R-R-Y-Y-Y- ,... Power-on self test: The Controller has
detected that a button is being pushed during
power on (if using the pushbutton track
selector). Verify that nothing is resting on the
control panel to push the buttons. If nothing
is resting on the buttons, then the Controller
is indicating that a short circuit exists in the
pushbutton wiring. Check the pushbutton
wiring for any shorts.
Table Legend:
• R is red, G is green, Y is yellow, "-" means LED is off
• ( ) means a solid, steady on
• ,... means the pattern repeats
( R ) means the indicator is a solid, steady red
R,G,... means the indicator flashes red, green, red, green,
etc. (no off)
R-R- ,... means the indicator flashes red twice, goes off, and
then repeats.
We are interested in your comments and suggestions. For
answers to your questions or for more information on the PTC
Model III, call or write New Your Railway Supply, Inc., or
email us at sales.support@nyrs.com.
13225 Thornton Dr
Westlake, TX 76262
Tel: (817) 233-5068, Fax: (817) 314-6907
NYRS 1994-03, Rev 8/03, US Patents Pending