PTC Model III, Rotary Selector Installation Instructions and User Manual, Rev 8/03 - Page 7
switch positions when programming. For example: if you
have 4 tracks, you can use something like positions 1, 2, 3,
and 7. In this example, selecting 4, 5, 9, or any other non-
programmed location won't have any effect.
• If you add more tracks to your turntable later on, reprogram
the PTC from Step 1.
• Avoid removing the motor and/or bracket after you program
the unit, unless you really need to. Although not a problem,
it is an inconvenience because you will not likely be able re-
align the motor exactly where you had it before. You will
have to reindex the unit after reinstallation of the motor.
Note: Reindexing is not the same as reprogramming. When
you are reindexing, you are simply re-orienting the head end
of the bridge to your lead track, not reprogramming all of
your track locations.
After programming, the PTC is ready for use. Operation is
❑ Power-up the controller in "RUN" mode. To do this, be sure
the power switch is OFF. Confirm that Configuration
Switch #8 (the Run/Learn switch) is set to "RUN". Turn on
the power. The controller will also go through it's power-on
self test sequence:
• The Status Indicator on the control panel should glow
red briefly, then convert to a steady green to indicate
that the controller has powered-up in the normal "RUN"
• The controller will do a "power-on self test" function to
confirm proper operation. This wags the bridge
clockwise about 10°, then counterclockwise, then back
❑ Turn the Track Selector to the desired track.
❑ Set the Head/Tail switch to indicate which end of the bridge
you want lined up at the desired track.
❑ Press the Start/Stop switch. The Status Indicator will flash
green. If momentum is turned on (see later section), the
bridge will start to ramp up speed. Depending on the track
selected and the present position of the bridge's head end,
the controller will automatically rotate the bridge clockwise
or counter-clockwise the shortest distance needed to line up
the desired end of the bridge up with the selected track
location. As the bridge approaches the desired track, it will
start to slow down (if momentum is enabled), then stop.
❑ To stop the bridge in an emergency
. If it is necessary to
"panic stop" the bridge during rotation, simply hit the
Start/Stop button again. The bridge will stop immediately,
with no momentum. The controller will place itself in a
"PAUSE" mode and the Status Indicator will glow red. The
PTC will stay in pause until the Start/Stop button is pressed
again, at which time the PTC will continue it's progress.
Operating hints:
• The PTC will not operate prior to programming. If turned
on, it will not perform any functions and the control panel
Status Indicator will flash yellow to indicate programming
is required.
• When the new track destination you have selected is
counter-clockwise from the bridge's current location, the
controller will overshoot the target track approximately 2°,
then slowly backtrack clockwise to the desired track. This is
normal: although the PTC gearhead utilizes very high
quality gears, this move is necessary to compensate for the
very small amount of backlash that exists in the gear train.
• Important
: After turning off the power, let the Controller sit
for a full 5 seconds
before turning it back ON. This will
assure that the Controller starts up in the proper reset mode.
• Do not turn off the controller power when it is in "Pause"
mode between track locations. Although it is not a problem,
it is an inconvenience since you will have to re-index
(reference) the controller to a known starting point. If re-
indexing is necessary, the Status Indicator will flash a
"double red" after power-up in "RUN" mode (instead of
green) to indicate that the controller does not "remember"
where the bridge is and needs to be re-indexed.
• The stepper motor will get quite warm to the touch. This is
normal since the motor draws nearly 1 amp of current, even
while stationary.
• If momentum is enabled, the maximum momentum
achievable is limited by the maximum speed selected. If
other words, at maximum speed, maximum momentum is
possible. The controller automatically reduces the
momentum to suit the maximum speed, if the momentum
selected is higher than allowable.