
60133 revG Page 35 of 38
Review these instructions to make sure that all fasteners, clamps & electrical connections have been installed
& torqued correctly.
Check that all hose routings are free of any kinks or near any hot or abrasive surfaces, that may cause wear
over time. Adjust or reroute as necessary to provide adequate slack for engine movement.
Refill all fluids (oil & power steering) to factory recommended levels.
The use of synthetic oil (with the factory recommended oil weight) is strongly recommended
, as it will prolong
the life of the turbocharger. Regardless of factory recommended intervals, the addition of a turbocharger
that the oil be changed every 3,000 miles.
The use of premium octane unleaded fuel is required
for proper engine performance and to reduce the
possibility of internal engine damage from detonation.
Cycle the ignition to the “ON” position several times to pressurize the fuel system & check for any leaks.
Start the vehicle and check for any oil, power steering or air pressure leaks.
NOTE: It is normal for the vehicle to emit some amount of white smoke & a strange odor for an hour or two of
operation, as the oils within the exhaust pipes burn off.
Car Won’t Start:
1. Check ECU harness and Unichip PnP harness to ensure all connectors are properly seated
2. Check injector harness to ensure good connection of pig tails
3. Check coil packs to verify good connection
4. Check fuel pump fuse (fuse is located in rear fuse panel behind battery)
5. Check for codes and troubleshoot per code
Car runs poorly. Stuttering, stalling, misfiring:
1. Verify MAF is connected and wires are intact
2. Check boost level. If boost level is other than 8 PSI verify vacuum line fittings are in the correct ports on
the BOV and wastegate. For the BOV the fitting should be in the upper most port closest to the red