22 © 2008 VBrick Systems, Inc.
Configuration: Network > Management
These parameters define information used in the SAPs emitted by the VBrick, which are
received by the VBDirectory management tool and other VBrick applications. See the
VBDirectory User Guide for more information.
Group Name Optional. This parameter defines the Group Name. It is included in
the Management SAPs used by VBDirectory. It is used for organizing
VBricks into groups to simplify use of VBDirectory.
Unit Number Optional. The appliance unit number (range 0–2147483647) is used to
identify each VBrick in a group.
Management SAP Used by VBDirectory or ETV Portal Server to detect the unit for the
purpose of remote management. The following parameters apply.
Transmit Enable Controls the transmission of the Management SAPs (Enable or
Retransmit Time Defines the Management SAP Retransmit Time.
Time To Live The number of hops (between routers) for which a Management SAP
is valid on the network.
Type Of Service The TOS (Type of Service) can be configured in the IP header to
establish packet priority in the network.
IP Address Defines the Destination IP Address for Management SAPs.
Port Defines the Destination Port for Management SAPs.