60 © 2008 VBrick Systems, Inc.
on the mode, a pull feature will do nothing, continuously try to pull a stream from the
configured source, or will pull the header from the configured source and wait for a client to
connect before it tries to get the stream. A client in this case is an enabled multicast
destination, a server RTSP or HTTP client, at least one enabled push from the reflector, or
enabled archiving of the stream in the local archiver. In the event of failure, the reflector will
retry the pull every second. The reflector forwards packets exactly as received from the
source URL—transparently without modification.
Reflector Source Pull Receiver – The reflector is enabled for a Pull Receiver source.
Source URL Complete path to source stream. The following
examples show different
types of URLs that the pull receiver supports:
• – VBrick Appliance direct
• – VBrick Appliance HTTP via
http://MyWindowsServer/PublishingPointName – Microsoft Server
mms://MyWindowsServer/PublishingPointName – VBrick will accept
MMS URL but will actually play via HTTP.
http://MyWindowsServer/PublishingPointName/movie.wmv –
Microsoft Server on-demand.
http://MyMicrosoftEncoder:8080 – Microsoft Encoder live.
http://WebServerName/FileName.asx – HTTP of ASX file from any
web server. ASX file must contain MMS or HTTP reference URL.