ViewSonic Wireless Media Gateway 45
Parental Control
Parental Control provides more control your network. It provides
you with web content filtering options. Once you get into this menu,
you can see the lists of Application Name and protecting action. To
delete a particular rule, check the box and click “Delete” to erase
the rule from the setting. To add a new rule to this control page,
click “Add” to get into web control configuration.
The WMG allows you to restrict access based on Web application,
such as Proxy service/ Java/ ActiveX, and URL extension. If you
want to record all the denied operation, check the box to enable
Log on Denied Operations.
1 Click the Security tab for the pull-down menu.
2 Select Parental Control. The Web screen appears as shown
on the right.
3 Click Add. The Configure Web Control screen on the right
appears. Type a URL website in one of the fields.
4 Click Submit. The WEB screen appears.
5 Select Gamble or Porn.
website here