
ViewSonic Wireless Media Gateway 89
applications. An Internet appliance can be Wi-Fi enabled or it can
be connected via a cable to the local network.
IP (telephony). Technology that supports voice, data and video
transmission via IP-based LANs, WANs, and the Internet. This
includes VoIP (Voice over IP).
IP address. A 32-bit number that identifies each sender or receiver
of information that is sent across the Internet. An IP address has
two parts: an identifier of a particular network on the Internet and
an identifier of the particular device (which can be a server or a
workstation) within that network.
IPX-SPX (Internetwork Packet Exchange-Sequenced Packet
Exchange). IPX is a networking protocol used by the Novell
NetWare operating systems. Like UDP/IP, IPX is a datagram
protocol used for connectionless communications. Higher-level
protocols, such as SPX and NCP, are used for additional error
recovery services. SPX is a transport layer protocol (layer 4 of the
OSI Model) used in Novell Netware networks. The SPX layer sits
on top of the IPX layer (layer 3) and provides connection-oriented
services between two nodes on the network. SPX is used primarily
by client/server applications. Whereas the IPX protocol is similar to
IP, SPX is similar to TCP. Together, therefore, IPX-SPX provides
connection services similar to TCP/IP.
ISA (Industry Standard Architecture). A type of internal computer
bus that allows the addition of card-based components like