Operations Commands
The following example is the syntax for operations commands:
op <operation> <command> [CR]
No. Function Command Action on unit
1 Set = <value> Makes the unit take that value.
2 Get ? Asks what the current value is.
3 Increment + Adds 1 to the current value.
4 Decrement - Subtracts 1 from the current value.
5 Execute (none) Performs an action.
Table 6-2: Operations Command Functions
Operation Command Values Notes
aspect = ?
0 = 16:9
1 = Letterbox
2 = 4:3
3 = 4:3 Narrow
4 = Native
memory = ?
0 = User Memory 1
1 = User Memory 2
4 = Default
save.mem =
0 = User Memory 1
1 = User Memory 2
bright = ? + - 0 - 200
contrast = ? + - 0 - 200
saturat = ? + - 0 - 200
tint = ? + - 0 - 200
sharp.simple = ? + - 0 - 200
sharp.mode = ?
0 = Simple
1 = Advanced
horiz.sharp = ? + - 0 - 200
vert.sharp = ? + - 0 - 200
diag.sharp = ? + - 0 - 200
sharp.over = ? + - 0 - 200
horiz.text = ? + - 0 - 200
vert.text = ? + - 0 - 200
diag.text = ? + - 0 - 200
text.over = ? + - 0 - 200
noise.thresh = ? + - 0 - 200
nr.simple = ? + - 0 - 200
nr.mode = ?
0 = Simple
1 = Advanced
nr.general = ? + - 0 - 200
block.reduct = ? + - 0 - 200
mosq.noise = ? + - 0 - 200
serial inTerfaCe speCifiCaTions