
7.4 Projection Distance and Screen Size
Screen Size: This is the size of the screen not the size of the projection.
In case of display 16:9 picture on the whole 16:9 Screen
16:9 Screen TR: 1.85~2.4 TR = PD / SW Unit: Inch
Screen Size Projection Distance
Diagonal Width Height Min. Max.
60 52.29 29.41 96.74 125.50
70 61.01 34.32 112.87 146.42
72 62.75 35.30 116.09 150.60
80 69.72 39.22 128.99 167.34
82 71.47 40.20 132.21 171.52
84 73.21 41.18 135.44 175.71
90 78.44 44.12 145.11 188.26
92 80.18 45.10 148.34 192.44
100 87.16 49.02 161.24 209.17
106 92.38 51.97 170.91 221.72
110 95.87 53.93 177.36 230.09
120 104.59 58.83 193.49 251.01
123 107.20 60.30 198.32 257.28
133 115.92 65.20 214.45 278.20
135 117.66 66.18 217.67 282.38
150 130.73 73.54 241.86 313.76
170 148.16 83.34 274.10 355.59
200 174.31 98.05 322.48 418.35
250 217.89 122.56 403.09 522.93
300 261.47 147.07 483.71 627.52