User's Manual - 109
Local storage > Content management
This section explains how to manage the content of recorded videos on the Network Camera� Here you
can search and view the records and view the searched results�
Searching and Viewing the Records
This column allows the user to set up search criteria for recorded data� If you do not select any criteria
and click Search button, all recorded data will be listed in the Search Results cloumn�
■ File attributes: Select one or more items as your search criteria.
■ Trigger time: Manually enter the time range you want to search.
Click Search and the recorded data corresponding to the search criteria will be listed in Search Results
Search Results
The following is an example of search results� There are four columns: Trigger time, Media type, Trigger
type, and Locked� Click
to sort the search results in either direction�
Numbers of entries displayed
on one page
Enter a key word to lter the
search results
Highlight an item
Advanced Mode