User's Manual - 173
“m” is the stream number.
“network_accessname_<0~(m-1)>” is the accessname for stream “1” to stream “m”. Please refer to the
“subgroup of network: rtsp” for setting the accessname of SDP.
You can get the SDP by HTTP GET.
When using scalable multicast, Get SDP file which contains the multicast information via HTTP.
8.19 Open the Network Stream
Note: This request requires Viewer access privileges.
For HTTP push server (MJPEG):
For RTSP (MP4), the user needs to input the URL below into an RTSP compatible player.
“m” is the stream number.
For details on streaming protocol, please refer to the “control signaling” and “data format” documents.
8.21 Storage managements (capability.storage.dbenabled > 0)
Note: This request requires administrator privileges.
Method: GET and POST
The commands usage and their input arguments are as follows.
cmd_type <string> Required.
Command to be executed, including search, insert, delete, update,
and queryStatus.
Command: search
label <integer primary key> Optional.
The integer primary key column will automatically be assigned a
unique integer.
triggerType <text> Optional.
Indicate the event trigger type.
Please embrace your input value with single quotes.
Ex. mediaType=’motion’
Support trigger types are product dependent.
mediaType <text> Optional.
Indicate the file media type.
Please embrace your input value with single quotes.
Ex. mediaType=’videoclip’
Support trigger types are product dependent.
destPath <text> Optional.
Indicate the file location in camera.
Please embrace your input value with single quotes.
Ex. destPath =’/mnt/auto/CF/NCMF/abc.mp4’
resolution <text> Optional.
Indicate the media file resolution.
Please embrace your input value with single quotes.
Ex. resolution=’800x600’
isLocked <boolean> Optional.
Indicate if the file is locked or not.
0: file is not locked.
1: file is locked.
A locked file would not be removed from UI or cyclic storage.
triggerTime <text> Optional.
Indicate the event trigger time. (not the file created time)
Format is “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS”
Please embrace your input value with single quotes.
Ex. triggerTime=’2008-01-01 00:00:00’
If you want to search for a time period, please apply “TO”
Ex. triggerTime=’2008-01-01 00:00:00’+TO+’2008-01-01
23:59:59’ is to search for records from the start of Jan 1
2008 to
the end of Jan 1
limit <positive integer> Optional.
Limit the maximum number of returned search records.
offset <positive integer> Optional.
Specifies how many rows to skip at the beginning of the matched
Note that the offset keyword is used after limit keyword.