360: GMT 09:00 Osaka, Sapporo,
Tokyo, Seoul, Yakutsk
380: GMT 09:30 Adelaide, Darwin
400: GMT 10:00 Brisbane, Canberra,
Melbourne, Sydney, Guam, Vladivostok
440: GMT 11:00 Magadan, Solomon Is.,
New Caledonia
480: GMT 12:00 Aucklan, Wellington,
Fiji, Kamchatka, Marshall Is.
520: GMT 13:00 Nuku’Alofa
daylight_enable <
oolean> 6/6 enable automatic daylight saving to
time zone
daylight_dstactualmode <
oolean> 6/7 check if current time is under daylight
saving time.
Daylight_auto_begintime string[19] 6/7 display the current daylight saving
begin time.
(product dependent)
daylight_auto_endtime string[19] 6/7 display the current daylight saving end
(product dependent)
updateinterval 0,
6/6 0 to Disable automatic time
adjustment, otherwise, it means the
seconds between NTP automatic update
restore 0,
<positive integer>
7/6 Restore the system parameters to
default value after <value> seconds.
reset 0,
<positive integer>
7/6 Restart the server after <value>
seconds if <value> is non-negative.
restoreexceptnet <Any value> 7/6 Restore the system parameters to
default value except (ipaddress,
subnet, router, dns1, dns2, pppoe).
This command can cooperate with other
“restoreexceptXYZ” commands. When
cooperating with others, the system
parameters will be restored to default
value except a union of combined
restoreexceptdst <Any value> 7/6 Restore the system parameters to