
136 - User's Manual
separately as follows:
Bit 0 => Support camera control
function; 0(not support), 1(support)
Bit 1 => Built-in or external camera; 0
(external), 1(built-in)
Bit 2 => Support pan operation; 0(not
support), 1(support)
Bit 3 => Support tilt operation; 0(not
support), 1(support)
Bit 4 => Support zoom operation; 0(not
support), 1(support)
Bit 5 => Support focus operation; 0(not
support), 1(support)
text string[16] 1/4 Enclose caption.
imprinttimestamp <boolean> 4/4 Overlay time stamp on video.
exposuremode auto,fixed 4/4 Exposure mode
maxexposure 1~32000 4/4 Maximum exposure time.
maxexposure 1~32000 4/4 Maximum exposure time.
options quality,
framerate, crop
4/4 Video input option:
(1) video quality first mode
(2) video frame rate first mode
(3) cropping mode
(not used in IP8162)
preoptions quality,
framerate, crop
4/4 Record the previous video options.
(not used in IP8162)
enablepreview <boolean> 1/4 Usage for UI of exposure settings.
Preview settings of video profile.
crop_position <coordinate>
1/4 Crop left-top corner coordinate.
(not used in IP8162)
crop_size <window size>
1/4 Crop width and height.
(width must be 16x or 32x and height
must be 8x)
(not used in IP8162)
crop_preview < boolean > 1/4 Usage for UI of crop setting
(not used in IP8162)
s<0~(m-1)>_codectype mpeg4, mjpeg,
h264, svc
1/4 Video codec type. svc is only supported
with stream 0.
s<0~(m-1)>_resolution Reference 1/4 Video resolution in pixels.