Cleanup - oil-based materials
1. Lock the gun and remove spray tip assembly.
Submerge suction set into a bucket with appropriate
cleaning solution.
3. While pulling the gun trigger, turn the pump ON (l),
and turn the PRIME/SPRAY knob to SPRAY to purge
material from the hose back into the original container.
4. When cleaning solution ows from the spray gun, keep
holding the trigger and aim the spray gun into the side
of the waste container (ground gun with a metal
container if ushing with ammable solvent).
5. Trigger the gun until the uid owing out of the gun
is clear. You may need to dispose and obtain new
cleaning solution.
6. Turn the PRIME/SPRAY knob to PRIME and trigger gun
once to relieve pressure.
Move on to Cleaning the Suction Set.
2. Place a waste container next to the original material
container. Aim the spray gun into the side of the
original material container and hold the trigger.
Spray material into
original container
Spray cleaning solution
into waste container
Hold trigger
Containers should
be touching
Hold trigger
• Hold trigger
• Turn pump ON (l)
• Turn PRIME/SPRAY knob to SPRAY
Keep holding trigger through next steps.
Bucket with
cleaning solution