Cleaning the Suction Set
1. Lock the gun and turn the pump OFF (O).
3. When suction set is clean, thread the suction tube back
into the inlet valve, and replace the return tube onto the
return tube tting. Replace clip.
5. Turn the PRIME/SPRAY knob to PRIME. Turn the pump
ON (l), and trigger the gun once into a waste container
to relieve pressure.
6. Let the pump circlulate cleaning solution through the
suction set for 2-3 minutes. Turn the pump OFF.
2. Remove the suction hose and return tube and clean it
using the appropriate cleaning solution. You should also
wipe the threads of the inlet nut (a) and remove and
clean the inlet lter.
4. Submerge the suction set into a bucket of new cleaning
If you used oil-based materials, you must ush the pump
again using water to prepare it for storage. Repeat #1 -
#11 in Cleanup- Latex materials, instructions.
Move on to Cleaning the Spray Gun Components.
2 to 3 minutes