WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual i
Introduction to the
Watlow Series 988 Controllers
Figure Int.1 -
The Series 988
Watlow’s Series 988 controllers set a new standard in the controller indus-
try by packing an impressive array of features into an 1/8-DIN package.
No other controller offers the flexibility, compact size and durability of the
Series 988. It can control a wide variety of temperature and process appli-
cations, with a broad range of input and output options that allow control
of virtually any process variable.
The Series 988 is the only 1/8 DIN controller that can provide single-unit
cascade control of a process. Its other features include heater current
monitoring, remote set point input, ratio control and valve control through
slidewire feedback. The Series 988 also delivers expanded auto-tuning
capabilities, increased alarm functionality and several unique control algo-
When we refer to the “Series 988” controller, we refer also to the horizontal
and low-voltage versions of the Series 988: the 986, 987, 988 and 989. We
recommend that you read all of this manual’s introduction to familiarize
yourself with the conventions and content of this manual and the steps to
setting up a Series 988 controller. Make sure you understand the
“Caution” and “Warning” symbols we use in the book.
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