5.14 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual
Operation Menus, Chapter 5
Operation-PID A or B
Reset, Output 2A or 2B
Tune reset to eliminate the offset or droop between the set point and
the actual process temperature for PID A output 2. When set to [```0]
reset is disabled.
[rE2A] This prompt appears only if [`dFL] (Calibration Menu) is set to
[``US] and [Pb2A] is set higher than [```0].
If Default
[00)0] … [99(9] repeats/min.
[rE2A] [rE2A]
[`Pdr] [=0)0] %… [``)0] %… [10)0] %
[ALG0] [rE2A] [rE2A] [rE2A]
(Global Menu)
Integral, Output 2A or 2B
Tune integral to eliminate the offset or droop between the set point
and the actual process temperature for PID output 2. When set to
[```0] integral is disabled.
[It2A] This prompt appears only if [`dFL] (Calibration Menu) is set to
[``SI] and [Pb2A] is set higher than [```0].
[`)00] … [9(99] repeats / min.
[It2A] [It2A]
The PID B Menu
appears only on
controllers with
enhanced software
(98_B-_ _ _ _-_ _ _ _).
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