Transaction Type (ID). The unique ID number of a transaction. The system is pre-
programmed to use specific transaction types for certain events at certain types of points.
(See Appendix C: System Transactions for a complete list of standard transactions.)
Transaction Modifier. Required as applicable. Enter a transaction modifier code to indicate
a customized version of a standard transaction. The values are: A through Z (all uppercase),
a through z (all lowercase), 0 through 9.
Transaction Group. For future use. Will permit the categorizing of transactions into broader
groups for easier reporting and editing.
Alarm Priority. Conditional. Used to declare that a particular transaction is an alarm
transaction, and to indicate the alarm priority. The range is 1 through 9, with 1 being the
highest priority and 9 the lowest. Enter 0 for a non-alarm transaction.
Event/Task Activity. Conditional. Used if the system has been programmed to respond to
a particular event via the event / task subsystem. Enter 1 to activate the task; enter 2 to
deactivate the task.
Time to Acknowledge. Enter a value in minutes to allow for alarm acknowledgment. If the
alarm is not acknowledged by this time, an ALARM NOT ACKNOWLEDGED message is
written to the log and repeats at the interval specified until acknowledged.
Display Color. Determines the transaction display color in the monitor mode. The colors
0 = Black
1 = Red
2 = Green
3 = Cyan (light blue)
4 = Blue
Clear Transaction. Conditional. Enter the alarm clearing transaction number. For example,
with transaction 92 (Alarm Active), enter 93 (Alarm Clear) as the clearing transaction. If a
clearing transaction is specified, the alarm event cannot be removed from the pending
alarms screen until the clearing transaction is received.
Monitor Group. Used to classify transactions into groups, so that the display of transactions
based on log-in name can be controlled. The default monitor group assignment when users
are added to the system is * — All monitor groups displayed.
Printer Color. Determines the color in which this transaction will display when printed on a
color-capable log printer. The colors are:
0 = Black
1 = Red