# Message Explanation
242 Disk Almost Full Disk space at value of DISKWARN parameter (usually 90% full).
250 Over Max Key Limit Attempt made to download more keys than the device will hold.
300 RDI Full RDI transaction buffer full.
301 RDI Too Hot RDI upper temperature limit exceeded.
302 RDI Too Cold RDI lower temperature limit exceeded.
303 RDI Timeout Problem RDI unable to communicate with 808S.
304 RDI Hardware Problem RDI has detected an error with its operating hardware.
305 RDI Modem Problem RDI has detected a modem error.
306 RDI Alarm Table Error RDI alarm table full or unusable.
307 RDI Comm Error RDI unable to dial out.
308 RDI Host Comm Error RDI unable to receive.
309 RDI Can't Close 808 DB RDI unable to complete data transfer to 808S; device left in
incomplete state.
500 Debug 0 Transaction WSE development use only.
501 Debug 1 Transaction •
502 Debug 2 Transaction •
503 Debug 3 Transaction •
504 Debug 4 Transaction •
505 Debug 5 Transaction •