The Calypso washer achieves a significant en-
ergy savings by utilizing less water than a tradi-
tional top loading machine with an agitator. This
is made possible by the use of a Wash Plate
which provides an undulating motion to toss the
wash load. This action is called nutation.
The wash plate is tipped at approximately 35 de-
grees from level. The undulating action constantly
rolls the load over and moving in a circular mo-
The water in the basket is constantly recirculated
and sprayed onto the wash load during wash and
rinse cycles.
Water is Sprayed
on Wash Load
From Here
Nutate Action
Fig. 2-4
Peekaboo Mode
The Peekaboo mode allows the user the opportunity to look into the washer during a wash action.
During the Peekaboo Mode, the electronic control will allow the machine to nutate at 150 NPM for a
maximum of 5-seconds after the washer lid is opened. When the lid is closed, the Start pad must be
pressed to continue the cycle.
The leveler acts as the mechanism that tilts the nutate or outer wash plate from a level to a 35 degree
tilted position. The leveler is driven by the nutate shaft which replaces the traditional agitator shaft. A
shifting mechanism on the underside of the leveler moves it from a perpendicular alignment in the spin
mode to the 35 degree tilt required for nutation.
Leveler in nutate position.
Nutate Shaft
Shift Mechanism
(Nutate Position)
Wash Plate
Note position of
hub tab
Fig. 2-5