Water Pump/Pump Motor
The pump is directly driven by a separate reversible 120 VAC 60 Hz motor. By being reversible, the
motor provides for two separate operations of the washer.
Outer Tub
The Outer Tub sump plays a role in the drain and water recirculation function The sump area includes
two check balls that direct water flow when the water pump operates in the drain and recirc direction.
During the Recirculation Mode, the pump motor turns counter-clockwise (as viewed from underneath
the washer). This causes the water pump to draw water from the tub through the drain sump port,
forcing the recirculation check ball to seal the recirculation sump port and force water through the
recirculation tube outlet. Water is recirculated back into the tub onto the load.
When water is present in the tub, the check
balls will float in the proximity of the recircula-
tion and drain sump ports. Water weight or water
pressure applied to the ball(s) will cause them
to drop away from their respective port or seal
off the port.
Drain Check Ball
Drain Check Ball drops from weight of water
in tub and negative pressure from pump
Recirculation Check Ball
Recirculation Check Ball seals off the
Recirculation port, due to positive pump
pressure, forcing water to flow out of
Recirculation Feed Tube
Recirculation Feed Tube
Pump Direction
To Drain Hose
Fig. 2-13
Fig. 2-15
Fig. 2-14