If you need service :
If ;our ‘N-liiLPt3\ ‘L ~31c~:p~~a-Ice ever
needs se’vict an\ L-U-t~re 8rI ‘he United
Sta:es. ielp 1s !ust c C’:or‘e call a’way
to your nearest ‘Wh’riy3cl trar?chlsed
TECH-CARE serv’c e represeitatlve
Whirlpool ~Ia~~tC:iri a riationwlde
netuork of franchis?:: TECH-CARE ser-
vice comparlies to fcllfll your warranty
and provide after- karrarrty service ana
ma:ntenance to keep dour WHIRLPOOL
appilance ;n peak z,nd~t~srl
You !I find vour nrxIres+ TECH-CARE
service company IIste3 r four loccl
telephone book Yei c\v Fages unaer
Should you not find
a listing, dial free, the Whirlpool
COOL-LINE service assistance tele-
phone number.
When calling from:
Michigan (800) 632-2243
Alaska &
Hawaii (800) 253-l 121
All other
states (800) 253-l 301
If you move...To n eke bclre
*hat your
appllarce IS correcly Ins:alled and +o
insure Its continuec satisfactory
operation, please ielepnorle your
neares: ‘ECH-CARE service company
for insto ailor or to get the qame of a
qua1 fled installer [ ns’allatlor cost 4Jiil.
of course, be paid b\ y% j
Helpful hints...
‘1’Od car heiD \/C’J’
- L :;C ser\Ilce repre5entail de give
-;evce tf you lrIc!ude ‘he
:I J-a
II’ -1 ieric number of yoLr
‘2~ :::I ?r;~:t: \kr7er reauestivy serilce
b--+(:I’I , xr sales SIIP 2nd ~xxrantq
‘c . er I v /cur tiarranty status
TECH~Z4RE service
rpcre;ertotlve 1s specialI) tratrea in the
i?lc~el- ‘epal’ing and servizlng cf vo~lr
I. r-1; z,ZC~_ appliances He car ielp
~. ‘71~11~1~air the quality ~~~rigino#; built
. :I#~’ ,“,‘blRLPOOL appliance SC m/k!i
r -. take t?e *ime now +c ook up 71s
+p “C ?I-
-r e rlJmber and ho+ it dowr ir the
‘;[- CIC tl p,ojl-,‘ed on The ccver
3. If you have a problem :
,a vt’h~rlpool Corpora?lon in Bentor
Qxrt33r at the COOL-LINE service
arslstar ce telephone number (see Step
2 3r ,Lrite
‘,“I ‘;cly
‘8,rrler ‘Jlce Preildert
:‘dhNrlpool Corporation
Admiristrctive Center
23X i S 33 North
3erton Ha,bor, Mlchiga? 49022
If ~3ti must ccl; or write please
provide \/our rame, address,
te:ephone number, type of appliance,
bravo. model serial number, date of
purchase, the dealers name, and a
complete description of the problem
Th;s InformatIon IS needed In order to
better respond to your request for