
For Rinsing Only
Loaas w + ‘3,~,el; !,apers, jeans
21 heavily ‘,oilec tern... I f**,n reed extra
detergent txtro letey- can require
on extra rrnse
Vod: wasr 8’ car- c i’se+ to rrnse
Onlv Use the set’lng for 3’ extia rinse. or
for launarv that ~rly neeas a rrnse and
an osterrsk: ] lust after
the numbers In each cycle Push In on
the Cycle Contr 11 knot ‘~;rn *he dla# to
the right
clock &-, use’ u: tl the 1ndlcator
points to one o’ ‘nose as’vrrsks Pull the
Control Knob 3~’ Toe tiasner ‘~11 fill
agrtate, dram a,;a sprr
For high <;gltatrcr’ zna sprn
speeds use the ‘asterlsic I- the NORMAL
Cycle The KNIT lnd GENTLE Cycles
have ioh agrtat or Alec sbln speeds
For Spinning Only
T?ere may be times whert vou
,-,arst tc UKII~ out all the wash water and
start over To stop the washer at any
+ T-rle, Just push In on the Cycle Cor8trot
r ‘lob
T~ set the washer so it drains and
spins water out of the load, push lr on
the Control Knob turn the dral to the
right (clockwrse) so the rndrcator points
ai the spot just before OFF In any cycle
Pull the Control Knob out The
washer ~111 drain. spin out water and
Cleaning the lint
through the #ini filter
A henever ‘he washer agitates Cneck rt
often to make sure I+ s clean ar,d filter-
i 3 a 10s txst
To ‘emove I+ for cleanrng, twrst It
cloCkwise and pul’ straight out lnstruc-
tl~lns for c’eonlng are printed on the
b3t*-rr of the filter