
Use only tkSbottom& utensils tar best cooklng results and ta prevent damage
to the caakiop. Speciatty ttems wHh rounded or rMged bottoms (woks, ridged
bottom cam or tea ketttes) are nat recommended.
$00 lho “CookIng GuldV for Important utensil lnfonnalion.
Optional Canning Kit
The large diameter of most water-bath or pressure canners combined with
hlgh heat settings tar long periods ot ttme can shorten the life of regular surface
units and cause damage to the co&top.
It you plan to use the cooktop tor canning. we recommend the installation
of a Canning Kit. Order the kil tram your Whlrtpcal Dealer or Tech-Care* Service
See the “Cooklng Guide” for Important canning Informalion
The Electronic MEALTIMER” Clock
The Electranlc MEALTIMER’ Clock hatiles many dltferent types 01 tunctions
The followlng operattng hints may be helptul when using the clock:
l The numbers on the display change rapldly Men tumlng the Set Knob
l When setHng the Time-ofDay Clack,the display shows hours and minutes.
Twenty-ftve minutes past
Forty-ttve minutes past
SIX o’clock.
twelve o’clock
l When using the Mln/Sec llmer, the display shows minutes and seconds In the
tollowlng sequence.
- For sefflngs trom1-59 seconds, each second will show in the display.