
activate these by right-clicking on the Power icon (either the battery or
plug) on the taskbar and clicking on Adjust Power Properties. (Figure 3.3)
Windows will take command of the power management settings of your
system. (Figure 3.4) There are three standard power schemes in Windows
Me: Home/Office Desk, Portable/Laptop and Always On. Each provides
default settings that
anticipate standard
power usage in each
setup. Your unit
should be set to
default to Portable/
Laptop settings. You
can customize the
settings to match
your usage and save
your own schemes
(e.g. Airline Travel).
The schemes allow
you to set your com-
puter to enter the
standby mode, to turn
off the monitor and
to spin down the hard
User’s Manual
Figure 3.3: The Power Utility
Figure 3.4: Power Properties
For detailed explanations
of Power Management
in Windows 2000, please
see the WinBook X Series
Help file.
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