
Follow these steps to get the CXI color changer operational quickly.
1. Connect the equipment
a. Attach the CXI Color Changer to a powered light fixture
b. Connect the CXI Color Changer to the power supply using 4-pin
CXI/Coloram power/signal Cable.
c. Connect the power supply to 115/230VAC power and to a DMX
2. Setup the CXI Color Changer
a. Set the CXI color changer to a starting channel of 1 (see Menu
b. Set the CXI color changer to the MIX mode (to have independent
control of each of the two gel strings)
c. Set the Move Speed to LOW
d. Set the "Time-to-destination" Channel to OFF
3. Setup the Coloram II Power Supply
a. Set the power supply to a starting channel of 1
4. Send DMX Levels
a. The CXI will respond to DMX channel 1 (positions the FRONT
gel string) and DMX channel 2 (positions the BACK gel string)
b. Set DMX channel 1 to 4%
c. Set DMX channel 2 to 4%
You will see the light color change to a "medium blue". Vary the DMX levels of channels
1 and 2 to change colors.