
- set the CXI to any channel from 1 to 12
If you set the CXI to the last channel of a power supply (e.g. channel 24 of Model
19012) but also set the CXI to a mode where more than one channel is required, the
DMX values of the additional channels (beyond channel 24) will default to 0%.
Power supply channel setting restrictions:
The power supplies receive and retransmit gel string position data for blocks of
channels as follows:
Model 19000 - Coloram II 24-Way Power Supply (600 watt)
- a block of 48 channels
Model 19012 - Coloram II 12 Way-Power Supply (300 watt)
- a block of 24 channels
Model 19060 - Coloram II 6-Way Power Supply (150 watt)
- a block of 12 channels
Note: If the power supply is set to TALKBACK = ON, the power supply starting
channels are limited to 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, etc.
Mix Mode Color Tables
The Mix mode uses two DMX channels as follows:
- channel 1: positions the front gel string (farthest from the
mounting plate)
- channel 2: positions the back gel string (nearest the
mounting plate)
- channel 3: gel string time-to-destination (ONLY if enabled)
Intermediate DMX levels will "split the frames" by placing portions of two different colors
in the aperture yielding "custom colors".