
Terminal Emulation Support
Third-party terminal emulation software can be installed on the Thin Client to support
computing on legacy platforms. Access to accounts on these machines is the
responsibility of the Thin Client user. The terminal emulation software uses the Telnet
protocol to communicate with the computing platform.
Support Servers
The following services are required:
“Rapport Remote Administration”
“Virtual Network Computing (VNC) Viewer”
Rapport Remote Administration
You must install Wyse Rapport
version 4.4 (installed on Windows XP Pro Workstation or
Windows 2000 Server, Advanced Server or Workstation), and be able to access a
software repository for your Thin Client (for information on installing Rapport and
configuring the server environment, refer to the Rapport Quick Start Guide or Wyse
Rapport Help File).
Rapport accesses your Thin Client through the factory-installed Rapport
Agent and
Preboot Execution Environment (PXE) client utilities. PXE upgrade services and Virtual
Network Computing (VNC) Viewer are built-in to Rapport (see “Virtual Network Computing
(VNC) Viewer” ).
The Workgroup Edition of Wyse Rapport
is suitable for managing up to 750 client Thin
Clients. It is provided with the Thin Client without charge.
The Enterprise Edition of Wyse Rapport
is designed to manage larger numbers (greater
than 750) of client Thin Clients. For information about obtaining or upgrading to the
Enterprise Edition of Rapport contact Wyse Sales or Service (see “Ordering Information”
on page v).
Virtual Network Computing (VNC) Viewer
VNC Server is factory-installed on your Thin Client and is, by default, automatically
launched on log-on. It allows a Thin Client to be operated/monitored (shadowed) from a
remote machine on which VNC Viewer is installed (primarily for troubleshooting and
support purposes). The administrator uses a VNC Server dialog box that allows a
password to be changed and properties to be set for a Thin Client. An administrator
wanting to shadow a Thin Client must run the VNC Viewer component on the remote
machine (accessed either from the Rapport Administrative Software or from a separate
installation). The administrator using the VNC Viewer must know the password to the
server component on a machine as well as a machine’s IP address or valid DNS name.
For information about VNC, refer to “WinVNC” on page 56.