Write Filter Control Dialog Box
The Write Filter Control dialog box is shown in Figure 28. It can be opened either through
the Start | Run command line (wtflush), by clicking Start | Programs | Control Panel |
Administrative Tools | Write Filter, or by clicking Start | Programs | Write Filter.
To open the dialog box using the command line, click Start | Run and type
wtflush and then click OK.
Figure 28 Write Filter Control dialog box
When using the Write Filter Control dialog box, follow these guidelines:
•The Disable Write Filter command button is displayed by default when the Write Filter
is enabled.
• Clicking the Display Write Filter Partition Information command button displays the
Write Filter information in the output window.
• You can flush the cache and disable the Write Filter at the same time by clicking the
Disable Write Filter command button (A message is displayed “Flushing
cache…please wait” during the operation, and another message is displayed “Please
reboot the system to take effect” after the cache flush operation has completed. The