16 www.xilinx.com CAN Getting Started Guide
UG186 April 19, 2010
Chapter 3: Quick Start Example Design
Functional Simulation
This section provides instructions for running a functional simulation of the CAN core
using either VHDL or Verilog. Functional simulation models are provided when the core is
generated. Implementing the core before simulating the functional models is not required.
To run a VHDL or Verilog functional simulation of the example design:
1. Set the current directory to:
2. Launch the simulation script.
ModelSim: vsim -do simulate_mti.do
ncsim (ms-dos>): simulate_ncsim.bat
ncsim (Linux-shell%): ./simulate_ncsim.sh
The simulation script compiles the functional simulation models and demonstration test
bench, adds relevant signals to the wave window, and runs the simulation. To observe the
operation of the core, inspect the simulation transcript and the waveform.
Timing Simulation
Timing simulation is supported only for the Full-System Hardware Evaluation and Full
license types, as the core cannot be implemented using a Simulation Only Evaluation
license. This section contains instructions for running a timing simulation of the CAN core
using either VHDL or Verilog. A timing simulation model is generated when the core is
run through the Xilinx tools using the implement script. It is a requirement that the core is
implemented before attempting to run timing simulation.
To run a VHDL or Verilog functional simulation of the example design:
1. Set the current directory to:
2. Launch the simulation script:
ModelSim: vsim -do simulate_mti.do
ncsim (ms-dos>): simulate_ncsim.bat
ncsim (Linux-shell%): ./simulate_ncsim.sh
The simulation script compiles the timing simulation model and the demonstration test
bench, adds relevant signals to the wave window, and runs the simulation. To observe the
operation of the core, inspect the simulation transcript and the waveform.