24 www.xilinx.com CAN Getting Started Guide
UG186 April 19, 2010
Chapter 4: Detailed Example Design
Timing Simulation
Note: Present only with a Full license.
The test scripts are a ModelSim or a Cadence IES macro that automates the simulation of
the test bench. They are located in:
The test script performs the following tasks:
• Compiles the SimPrim based gate level netlist simulation model
• Compiles the demonstration test bench
• Starts a simulation of the test bench
• Opens a Wave window and adds signals of interest (wave_mti.do/wave_ncsim.sv)
• Runs the simulation to completion
Example Design Configuration
Figure 4-1 illustrates the example design configuration.
The example design contains the following:
• An instance of the CAN core
During simulation, the CAN core is instantiated as a black box and replaced with the
CORE Generator software netlist during implementation and the gate-level simulation
• Input and output buffers for top-level port signal
X-Ref Target - Figure 4-1
Figure 4-1: Example Design Configuration
CAN Example Design
CAN Core