
128 www.xilinx.com SPI-4.2 Lite v4.3 User Guide
UG181 June 27, 2008
Chapter 7: Simulating and Implementing the Core
2. Add the necessary user source files to the project file.
3. Select target device and speed grade.
4. Synthesize the user application.
Xilinx Tool Flow
This section provides an overview of the Xilinx tool flow and discusses how to implement
the SPI-4.2 Lite core and the user design with the Xilinx implementation tools. Detailed
information about Xilinx tools can be found in the Xilinx Development System Reference
Before executing the Xilinx tool flow, a user design netlist must be generated where the
SPI-4.2 Lite core is instantiated and all required constraints must be set in the user
constraints file (ucf). See Chapter 5, “Constraining the Core,” for information about
constraining the user design.
Example Design Script
An implementation script is provided with the example design to execute all the
commands described below. This script can be used as an example of how to run the Xilinx
tools with the SPI-4.2 Lite core. For details about the example design, see the SPI-4.2 Lite
Getting Started Guide.
Run ngdbuild to translate and merge the various source files of a design into a single NGD
design database.
An example of the ngdbuild command is provided below:
ngdbuild <component_name>_top
The output of ngdbuild will be component_name_top.ngd.
Mapping the Design
To map the logic gates of the user’s design (previously written to an NGD file by ngdbuild)
into the CLBs and IOBs of the physical device, the map command must be executed. The
map command writes out this physical design to an NCD file. An example of the map
command is provided below:
map -o mapped.ncd component_name_top.ngd
The map command outputs a mapped.ncd and mapped.pcf.
Place and Route
To place and route the user’s design logic components (mapped physical logic cells)
contained within a NCD file based on the layout and timing requirements specified within
the physical constraints file (PCF), the par command must be executed. An example of the
par command is provided below:
par mapped.ncd routed.ncd
The par command outputs routed.ncd file that contains the placed and routed design.