
SPI-4.2 Lite v4.3 User Guide www.xilinx.com 25
UG181 June 27, 2008
Sink Core Interfaces
Sink Status and Flow Control Interface (Calendar Control and Status FIFO)
The Sink Status and Flow Control interface enables you to send flow control data on the
SPI-4.2 Interface. The status information is sent based on the channel order and channel
frequency defined in the programmable calendar. Table 2-4 and Table 2-5 define the
calendar interface and status FIFO interface signals.
Table 2-4: Sink Calendar Control Signals
Name Direction
SnkCalClk Input n/a Sink Calendar Clock: All Sink calendar signals are synchronous to
this clock.
SnkCalWrEn_n Input SnkCalClk Sink Calendar Write Enable: When this signal is asserted (active
low), the Sink Calendar is written with the data on the SnkCalData
bus on the rising edge of SnkCalClk. When the signal is deasserted,
the Sink Calendar data can be read on SnkCalDataOut.
SnkCalAddr[8:0] Input SnkCalClk Sink Calendar Address: When SnkCalWrEn_n is asserted, this bus
indicates the calendar address to which the data on SnkCalData is
written. When SnkCalWrEn_n is deasserted, this bus indicates the
calendar address from which the channel number on SnkCalDataOut
is driven.
SnkCalData[7:0] Input SnkCalClk Sink Calendar Data: This bus contains the channel number to write
into the calendar buffer when SnkCalWrEn_n is enabled. The channel
numbers written into the calendar indicate the order that status is
sent on RStat.
SnkCalDataOut[7:0] Output SnkCalClk Sink Calendar Data Output: This bus contains the channel number
that is read from the calendar buffer when SnkCalWrEn_n is disabled.
The channel numbers read from the calendar indicate the order that
status is sent on RStat.
Table 2-5: Sink Status FIFO Signals
Name Direction
SnkStatClk Input n/s Sink Status Clock: All Sink Status write signals are synchronous to
this clock.
SnkStat[31:0] Input SnkStatClk Sink Status Bus: This 32-bit bus is used to write status information
into the Status FIFO. You can write the status for 16 channels each
clock cycle.
The 16-channel status that are accessed simultaneously are grouped
in the following manner: channels 15 to 0, channels 31 to 16, channels
47 to 32, . . . , channels 255 to 239.
SnkDIP2ErrRequest Input SnkStatClk Sink DIP2 Error Request: This is an active high signal that requests
an incorrect DIP-2 to be sent out of the RStat bus. When this signal is
asserted, Sink Status FIFO responds by inverting the next DIP2 value
that it transmits.