
XiNCOM Corp.
further details.
Client Lease Time - The time expired which client’ IP address is released
and renewed again after.
Client Default DNS – The default DNS which are used by clients, but
they can be changed.
DHCP IP Address
Offered Range fields set the values used by the DHCP server when
allocating IP Addresses to DHCP clients. This range also determines the
number of DHCP clients supported.
Free Entries indicates how many DHCP entries are not currently
allocated, and still available.
ARP Proxy
Enable this ONLY if the LAN port has an IP address in the same address
range as the WAN port(s). This means that all PCs using this Gateway must
have valid fixed external (Internet) IP addresses.
If enabled, enter the IP address range used on your LAN.
DHCP Client List
This table shows the IP addresses which have been allocated by the DHCP
Server function. For each address which has been allocated, the following
information is shown.
Name – The "hostname" of the PC. In some cases, this may not be
MAC Address – The physical address (network adapter address) of the
IP Address – The IP address allocated to this PC.
Type – Indicates IP address to be dynamic or static.
Status – If Dynamic, the IP address was allocated by this DHCP Server.
If sniffed, the IP address was detected by examining the LAN, rather than
allocated by the DHCP Server. In this case, the Name is usually not
Time Left – The time expired since which IP address is leased.
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