
XiNCOM Corp.
Settings – Dynamic DNS
Dynamic DNS
Use this to Enable/Disable the Dynamic DNS feature, and select the required
service provider.
Disable – Dynamic DNS is not used.
TZO – Select this to use the TZO service (www.tzo.com). You must configure
the TZO section of this screen.
Standard Client – Select this to use the standard service (from
www.dyndns.org or other provider). You must configure the Standard Client
section of this screen.
3322(in China) – This is available in China. It is similar to “Standard client”
WAN Port
Select the WAN port on which the Dynamic DNS is used.
The "Force Update" button will update your record on the Dynamic DNS
Server immediately.
TZO Custom
Dynamic DNS
If you have registered for this service, complete these fields.
Key – Enter your Key, as recorded on the TZO Web site.
E-mail – Enter your E-mail address, as recorded on the TZO Web site.
Domain – Enter the domain name allocated to you by TZO.
Client or 3322
If you have registered for this service, complete these fields.
User Name – Enter the user name recorded by the service provider.
Password – Enter the password recorded by the service provider.
Verity Password – Re-enter the password above.
Server – Enter the name or IP address of the service provider's Server.
Host Name - Enter the domain name allocated to you by the service provider.
Client or 3322
These options are available if using the standard client.
Enable Wildcard – If selected, traffic sent to sub-domains (of your Domain
name) will also be forwarded to you.
Enable backup MX – If enabled, you must enter the Mail Exchanger address
Mail Exchanger – If the setting above is enabled, enter the address of the
backup Mail Exchanger.
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