INPUT PATCH function
280 PM5D/PM5D-RH V2 / DSP5D Owner’s Manual Reference section
E Grid
For each input channel (vertical column), this grid lets
you can patch one or more output ports (horizontal
row) to be used as insert-outs. Currently-patched grids
are indicated by a symbol.
By clicking a grid location you can set/cancel patching.
The red lines at the left and top indicate the grid loca-
tion to which you move the cursor.
Operations in the grid are the same for all of the patching
screens. For details, refer to the Hint on p.277.
F Output port
From the top, this area indicates the type of output
port, the ID number, the output channel number, and
the number of input channels assigned. The following
types of output port can be patched as insert-out.
• The port number is grayed-out for ports that are currently
• For SLOT OUT ports that are also being output to the CAS-
CADE connector, the port number of the CASCADE
connector is displayed in yellow instead of the SLOT OUT
port number.
• If you select GEQ IN as an insert-out, the output of the same
GEQ module will automatically be selected as the insert-in.
G Input port
From the top, this area indicates the type of input port,
the ID number, L/R, the input channel number, and
the total number of input channels (including insert-
in) that are patched to each input port. You can select
the following input ports.
H LIBRARY button
This button accesses the INPUT PATCH LIBRARY
screen (➥ p.283), where you can store/recall input
channel patch library settings.
To enable the insert ins/outs that you assigned to input chan-
nels in this screen, you need to turn Insert on for the
corresponding input channel in the INSERT/DIRECT OUT
POINT screen (INPUT PATCH function) (
p.281). However,
insertion is automatically enabled if you assigned insert in/out
to a GEQ.
When operating from the panel, you can move the cursor from
the right side of the screen to the left side (or vice versa) by
holding down the [SHIFT] key and using the CURSOR [
] keys.
MIX OUT MIX OUT jacks 1–24
Output channels of an I/O card installed in
slots 1–4
FX IN L/R inputs of internal effects 1–8
GEQ IN Inputs of GEQ modules 1–20
L/R channels of 2TR OUT DIGITAL jacks
AD IN INPUT jacks 1–48
AD ST IN ST IN jacks 1–4 L/R
Input channels of an I/O card installed in
slots 1–4
FX OUT L/R outputs of internal effects 1–8
GEQ OUT Outputs of GEQ modules 1–20
L/R channels of 2TR IN DIGITAL jacks 1–3
or 2TR IN ANALOG jacks 1/2