PM5D/PM5D-RH V2 / DSP5D Owner’s Manual Reference section 377
Information shown
in the display
Warning Messages
These are messages displayed in the lower part of the screen. They will disappear after a certain duration has elapsed.
Message Meaning
#xxx of Scene is Empty!
No data has been stored in the scene you attempted to recall, or the data has been damaged so that it
cannot be recalled.
#xxx of Scene is Read Only! You attempted to overwrite (store) a read-only scene.
#xxx of Scene is Protected! You attempted to overwrite (store) a protected scene.
Cannot Undo! You pressed the SCENE MEMORY [UNDO] key when Undo was not available.
Cannot Assign!
You clicked an unavailable (grayed-out) grid in the patch screen, or pressed an invalid key on the panel
(e.g., a DCA/MUTE assign key that is unavailable due to the selected channel).
Cannot Drop! You attempted to drop a EQ/compressor/gate/EQ/effect mini-graph onto a location of a different type.
Pair Made. You used a panel operation to assign channel pairing.
Pair Broken. You used a panel operation to cancel channel pairing.
EFFECT CUE: Turned Off.
CUE was defeated because you switched to another screen from the EQ PARAM or EFFECT ASSIGN
screen, or because you switched the selected effect.
KEY IN CUE: Turned Off.
KEY IN CUE was defeated because you switched from the GATE PRM/COMP PRM screen to a different
Overwrite Existing Event.
In the EVENT LIST screen you input an event at the same time as a previously-input event, so the exist-
ing event was overwritten.
Event List Full! Last Event cancelled.
In the EVENT LIST screen, the event list is full; the last event in the event list was pushed out and deleted
when you added a new event.
Interval from Previous Event is Too Short!
The event you are attempting to input in the EVENT LIST screen is too close to an existing event earlier
than that location, so it is possible that it may not be recalled at the time you intend.
TIME CODE: Frame Jump!
The time code that was input in the EVENT LIST screen has experienced a frame jump or is running
TIME CODE: Frame Mismatch!
The incoming time code has a frame rate that is different than the time code specified in the EVENT LIST
MIDI: Data Framing Error! Invalid signals are being input to the MIDI IN connector.
MIDI: Data Overrun! Invalid signals are being input to the MIDI IN connector.
MIDI: Rx Buffer Full! Too much data is being received at the MIDI IN connector.
MIDI: Tx Buffer Full! Too much data is being sent from the MIDI OUT connector.
USB: Data Framing Error! Invalid signals are being input from the USB connector input port.
USB: Data Overrun! Invalid signals are being input from the USB connector input port.
USB: Rx Buffer Full! Too much data is being received at the USB connector input port.
USB: Tx Buffer Full! Too much data is being sent from the USB connector output port.
SLOT x: Data Framing Error! Invalid signals are being input from the SLOT x input port.
SLOT x: Data Overrun! Invalid signals are being input from the SLOT x input port.
SLOT x: Rx Buffer Full! Too much data is being received at the SLOT x input port.
SLOT x: Tx Buffer Full! Too much data is being sent from the SLOT x output port.
RS422: Data Framing Error! Invalid signals are being received at the HA REMOTE connector or RS422 REMOTE connector.
RS422: Data Overrun! Invalid signals are being received at the HA REMOTE connector or RS422 REMOTE connector.
RS422: Rx Buffer Full! Too much data is being received at the HA REMOTE connector or RS422 REMOTE connector.
RS422: Tx Buffer Full! Too much data is being transmitted from the HA REMOTE connector or RS422 REMOTE connector.
CASCADE: Data Framing Error! Invalid signals are being input to the CASCADE IN/OUT connector.
CASCADE: Data Overrun! Invalid signals are being input to the CASCADE IN/OUT connector.
CASCADE: Rx Buffer Full! Too much data is being received at the CASCADE IN/OUT connector.
CASCADE: Tx Buffer Full! Too much data is being transmitted from the CASCADE IN/OUT connector.
DME Control: Data Framing Error! Invalid signals are being input during communication with the DME.
DME Control: Data Overrun! Invalid signals are being input during communication with the DME.
DME Control: Rx Buffer Full! Too much data is being received during communication with the DME.
DME Control: Tx Buffer Full! Too much data is being transmitted during communication with the DME.
Wrong Word Clock!
The PM5D cannot synchronize because the source selected by MASTER CLOCK SELECT in the WORD
CLOCK screen is not appropriate.
Sync Error! [xxxx] The xxxx signal is not synchronized with the PM5D.
xxxx No Signal Present! The xxxx signal is not being input.
Data Type Conflict! Canceled. You attempted to execute a library recall or channel copy operation on a different type of channel.
HA Type Conflict! Data Ignored. You attempted to recall a HA library of a different model (PM5D model or PM5D-RH model).
Conflicting GPI OUT Cancelled.
The parameter you assigned to the FADER START function or to a User Defined key is the same as an
existing GPI OUT assignment, so the GPI OUT assignment was cancelled.
The parameter you assigned to GPI OUT is the same as an existing User Defined key assignment, so the
User Defined key assignment was cancelled.
Conflicting FADER START Cancelled.
The parameter you assigned to GPI OUT is the same as an existing FADER START function, so the FADER
START assignment was cancelled.
Wrong Password! The system password or console password you input was incorrect.
System Password Changed. The system password has been changed.
Console Password Changed. The console password has been changed.