Basic Techniques
Practicing in Training Mode
DTX502 Owner’s Manual
In Change Up training, your aim is to maintain good timing as you play along with up to seven
different practice rhythms*. The practice rhythm will change automatically after a certain number
of measures, which you can also set. When you have finished training, your score will be dis-
played on-screen.
*: The seven practice rhythm patterns are , , , , , , and .
Training procedure
Hold down the [SHIFT] button and press the [KIT]
button to access Training Mode.
Turn the Data Dial to select “05:Change Up”.
The [ ] button will flash, indicating that the drum module is on standby to
start training.
Press the [ ] button when you are ready to go.
Display of individual strikes
• The timing of your most recent strike is shown by the “t” symbol.
• When your timing is accurate, the “t” symbol will be shown at the center
of the scale.
• If you strike the pad too early, the “t” symbol will be shown to the left of
the scale.
• If you strike the pad too late, the “t” symbol will be shown to the right of
the scale.
5. Change Up
-- Ñ
Accurate timing Rhythm to be played
Timing of current strike
Struck lateStruck early
Gate width
(i.e., difficulty level)
Next rhythm