PM5D/PM5D-RH V2 / DSP5D Owner’s Manual Reference section 185
Information shown
in the display
• When the START OFFSET button is on
Edit the time (start offset time) after which the fader or
pan parameter of the corresponding channel will begin
changing when you recall a scene for which the Fade
function is enabled.
D Channel settings
Here you can turn the Fade function on/off and spec-
ify the fade time (or the start offset time) for each input
channel / output channel.
Use the channel name buttons to switch the Fade func-
tion on/off. The box below each button lets you specify
the fade time or start offset time. Move the cursor to a
box, and turn the [DATA] encoder or click the /
buttons at the left and right to edit the value.
The color of the numerical value shown in the box will
change as follows.
• When the FADE TIME button is on
The value is displayed in white for channels whose start
offset time is “----” (unset), and in light blue for chan-
nels that are set to 0.1 or above.
• When the START OFFSET button is on
The value is displayed in red for channels whose start
offset time is “----” (unset), and in yellow for channels
that are set to 0.1 or above.
If desired, you can copy the fade time / offset time
value from one channel to another as follows. Move
the cursor to the box that displays the value you want
to copy; then hold down the [SHIFT] key and press the
[ENTER] key to access the JOB SELECT window.
In this window, select the copy-destination item and
click the OK button; the value of the selected channel
will be copied.
This button enables the Fade function for all input
channels or output channels.
This button disables the Fade function for all input
channels or output channels.