4 Connections and setup
40 PM5D/PM5D-RH V2 / DSP5D Owner’s Manual Operating section
Restoring the current scene to the default state
When the PM5D/DSP5D is in its default state, the input
signals from INPUT jacks 1–48 are patched to input chan-
nels 1–48 and the input signals from ST IN jacks 1–4 are
patched to the ST IN channels, and can then be output via
the STEREO bus or MIX buses.
However, if the PM5D/DSP5D’s internal mix parameter
settings (referred to as the “current scene”) have been
modified, the signal of a specific input may not be sent to
an input channel, or the EQ or dynamics processors may
be set to produce extreme effects.
To initialize the mix parameters from such a state, proceed
as follows.
Use the SCENE [π]/[†] keys of the SCENE
MEMORY section to make the scene number
indicator show “000”.
Scene number “000” is a scene memory containing the
default settings.
If the PM5D and DSP5D are cascade-connected, scene data
is stored in both the PM5D and the DSP5D.
When a scene is recalled, the same scene number is recalled
on all PM5D/DSP5D units.
Press the [RECALL] key of the SCENE MEM-
ORY section.
Scene number “000” will be loaded, and the current
scene will return to the default state.
Be aware that when scene number “000” is loaded, the input
patch, output patch, internal effect, and HA (Head Amp) set-
tings will also return to their default state. (However, the word
clock master selection is not affected.)
Switching the target of panel operations (when cascade-con-
nected with the DSP5D)
When the DSP5D is cascade-connected, you can switch the
target of operations performed from the PM5D’s panel,
and operate these units while seamlessly switching between
the PM5D and DSP5D.
To switch the target of panel operations, use the following
procedure. For details, refer to the page reference given for
each step.
Set the machine ID number of the PM5D and
DSP5D (➥ p.153).
screen, make settings for cascade connections
(➥ p.154).
Use one of the following three methods to
switch the target of panel operations.
• Using the constantly-displayed screen
In the constantly displayed screen, select the machine
ID and change it (➥ p.164).
• Using a user-defined key
In the UTILITY function USER DEFINE screen, assign
the DSP5D CONTROL function (➥ p.148), and use
the user-defined key to switch the target of control
(➥ p.149).
• Using the FADER MODE key
In the UTILITY function FADER ASSIGN screen,
assign a DSP5D layer (➥ p.149), and use the FADER
MODE key to switch the target of control (➥ p.150).
Scene number
SCENE [π]/[†]