SOLID FUEL COOKER DIMENSIONS (Right hand cooker shown)
Additional information covering the installation the Solid fuel
cooker may be found in the following British Standard: BS8303.
Before installation of this product please read these
instructions fully.
It is very important to also understand the requirements of the
UK Building Regulations (England and Wales – Document J /
Scotland - Part F), along with any local regulations, and
orking practices that may apply. Should any conflict occur
between these instructions and these regulations then the
regulations shall apply.
All electrical connections should meet the requirements of
UK Building Regulations (England and Wales – Document P /
Scotland - Part N).
Your local Building Control Office would be happy to advise
hould questions arise, regarding the requirements of the
The Solid fuel cooker should be fitted by a HETAS (GB only)
registered installer, or approved by your local building control
officer. Your Stovax dealer should be able to arrange this
service for you.
Your building insurance company may also require you to
nform them that you have installed a new heating appliance,
so check with your insurers that your cover is still valid after
installing the Solid fuel cooker.
When completing the installation and building works you
should comply with your responsibilities under the Health and
Safety at Work Acts, and any new regulations, which may be
introduced during the lifetime of these instructions.
faulty installation could cause danger to the inhabitants
and structure of the building.
Top Flue
Top Flue